Waggons West Etsy Shop

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Party Prep: Mini Everything

Miniature quiche.  The one on the left is a classic quiche lorraine with carmelized onions.  The one on the right is a standard broccoli cheddar.

Mini twice-baked potatoes.

Mini gingerbread cakes.  These will get a warm ginger pear sauce.

Also completed yesterday.
  • Smoked turkey/wild rice soup base
  • Pre-baked mini sausages
  • Chocolate Raspberry torte baked but not frosted
  • Crazy Raspberry chocolate chip angel food cake cookies (that is a story for another day).
  • Seasoned oyster crackers
  • Mini cupcakes baked


  1. Everything looks very good Chef Charlene.

  2. Yummy yum!! I really love mini foods. They are fun to make and eat!

  3. Same old thing...all I can say is Wow. Pear sauce...wow...on gingerbread. OMGoodness.
