Waggons West Etsy Shop

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wedding Mints

This is re-posted here as part of my on-going effort to reign in my recipes from across the intertubes and collect them in one place.

My sister had a huge wedding. Much of it was homemade and crafted. Back in the day, cream cheese mints were all the rage. Each one had to be rolled and molded by hand. Making mints for 500 guests can take a while. We spent hours making them and laying them out to dry on her future mother-in-law’s dining room table. Everything was going well until Flaps the basset hound came home. One swipe of the tongue and a large portion of our production was gone.

I was reminded of that when I came across this recipe at Bake it Pretty. It is for butter mints. A recipe very similar to the ones we made with cream cheese. But I think the butter will be a different flavor and possibly a different texture. I will have to try it.

****I was reminded of this as my son was assisting his cousin in making the original cream cheese mints for her wedding reception. No dog was involved, but I do believe boy blacksmith probably snagged at least a few.

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