Waggons West Etsy Shop

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mission: Clean Stream 2012

 Saturday was a beautiful day.  It was sunny until about 2pm.  The weather was comfortably warm.  The flowers were in bloom and we had a trash clean up.  Mission: Clean Stream is an annual event, coordinated by my little organization.  We were scheduled to clean on April 14 this year.  There were 1138 people pre-registered to help out.  That would have set a record for us.  Unfortunately, we had severe weather that morning and had to postpone until this past weekend.  Turnout was very light as you might expect.  Trying to cram one more thing into already jam-packed Spring schedules was just too much.  But we did have somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 people scattered across several dates and locations.  And they did manage to pick up a BUNCH of trash.  


Here is part of a load of metal being scoured for useable parts by our Stream Trash ARTists.  START is the brainchild of the gentleman in the yellow shirt.  He arranges to bring in sculptors to the event and they use the trash pulled from the stream to create lasting sculptures.  The sculptures, along with appropriate signage, are displayed across the county to remind folks to not litter. 

All in all, it was a very rewarding experience for the participants and a great day for our rivers and streams. 

And now that it is May and Earth Month is over, I might just be able to get back to some "want to" as opposed to "have to" sewing projects.  But I do it with a renewed sense of my place in the environment and an even stronger desire to find ways to use what I have and what I can upcycle in my projects. 


  1. What a great project! I'd love to see some of the future stream trash art that results from the day :)!

  2. What a wonderful project. Thanks for organizing your community to make it nicer.
