Waggons West Etsy Shop

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Little Miss Myrtle Will be Staying for a While.

I foolishly decided to join the Art Doll Swap on Craftster.  I've never made an art doll before.  I looked at the images and decided  could probably do something that would be acceptable.   Then I got my partner's questionnaire and checked out her pinterest board.  I was in WAY over my head.

I mean seriously.  How on Earth do they TURN those tiny fingers?  Better yet, how do they stitch them???  And then the tiny clothes. 

I decided my only hope was to go back to an old project using Fimo/Sculpy.  I resurrected the drawer of 'baking clay'.  I found my beat up copy of "Clay Characters for Kids" by Maureen Carlson.  I bought some softener.  And I got started.

I found that I have absorbed a lot of polymer information in the past few years even though I haven't worked with the clay.  I did a lot more baking rather than waiting until the whole thing was finished.  That made a huge difference.  

I made Miss Myrtle, the Spring Flower Fairy.  She sits on her very own oak stump and has two friends a Rose the Turtle and a wee blue bird. She is about 5 inches tall. 

Unfortunately as I was re-reading my partner's wish list, I discovered that I had made a horrible mistake.  I mixed up her hate list with her like list.  She absolutely hates purple.  Miss Myrtle is just too purple.  So...  It was back to the drawing board.  Doll Number 2 is very different from Miss Myrtle.  She is fortunately finished and on her way before the deadline.  And little Miss Myrtle is staying here with me until I find her another home. 

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