Waggons West Etsy Shop

Monday, June 18, 2012

An Old Friend

  Many years ago, my niece spent part of the summer with us babysitting the spuds.  We were into making comforters and thought it would be a good idea for her to have one. (I say we, because in the early days, Mr Spud did all of the cutting and calculating for our quilts.  We worked on them all together.  He has a system for making these diagonal blocks with a strip piecing technique.  I'll have to get him to write it up someday. I don't really know how it works.  I just sew where he tells me on these.)

 She picked out the fabrics.  We pieced it and then she helped tie it. 

We have been staying in her old room for a visit.  She is in the midst of a rather chaotic move covering two islands, three states and I don't know how many houses and storage areas.  This quilt was one of the things that did not make it into the moving van.  We are going to be taking it to her. 

Seeing this old quilt was like coming across an old friend. This quilt is at least 10 years old.  It has been well used.  A few of the ties have come out but for the most part it is in very good shape.  I've always loved the fabrics and have a few treasured pieces in my scrap bin. 

It is also quite a revelation to see how far we have come from the first quilts we made.  The corners are less than square.  In fact, I have no idea how we stitched around some of them.  They are pretty wild.  Amazingly enough the blocks are mostly square and the corners meet fairly well.  All in all a decent quilt for our beginner status. 

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